Q: Is Sherwin Tng his birth name or had his name changed to something that is auspicious and easily remembered?
A: Sherwin is the original name on his birth certificate. (See it in the self-introduction video). It was Sherwin's mum who had great foresight!!
Q: How did Master Sherwin start out with this study of Feng Shui?
A: It all began when Master Sherwin first became a father. As a first-time parent, Master Sherwin wanted the best for his child and the first thing was obviously giving an auspicious name to his son! He went to a Feng Shui Master and was intrigued by the mastery of deciphering a person's character and much more information based on the date and time of birth instantly. This led to his journey of discovery and research to validate this ancient wisdom.
Q: What is Feng Shui as explained by Master Sherwin?
Feng Shui is like doing face reading for a person, but reading it for the house or the office. Everyone of us is closely inter-connected with our environment and both can influence each other in more ways than we think. Different sectors in a living or work space, in fact, represent and impact different aspects of our lives. Enhancing positive energy in the beneficial sectors will indirectly boost a person's energy flow and outlook of life. This, in turn, enables a person to be effective, focused and thus have a greater tendency to achieve his/her life goals. Master Sherwin is always sharing relevant Feng Shui tips with his clients so that they can make gradual improvements in different aspects of their lives.
During a Feng Shui Audit, Master Sherwin uses a geomantic compass aka Luo Pan (罗盘), to "measure energy" in a house or office. The aim is to identify where and how to increase energy vibrancy in the good sectors and diminish the negativity in the bad sectors. The right energy balance is the key to achieving a harmonious relationship between people and the environment.
Q: Why is Feng Shui a Science?
A: In a nutshell, what a Feng Shui Master does is what a scientist is doing. Measure the results after implementation of Feng Shui recommendations and repeated fine-tuning. This has been perfected through years of studies and research by our ancestors and today, Master Sherwin continues the work of our forefathers and aptly uses this ancient science in the modern world.
Q: When should I approach Master Sherwin for advice?
A: If you're thinking about changing your career path or you are just wondering what to do with the different opportunities presented in front of you, this will be the best time for you. Master Sherwin can help you plan the roadmap to your desired future by giving you clarity of your paths and choices ahead. The decision is then yours to make and follow through to achieve your goals.
We hope you now have better insights into how Feng Shui is really applicable and relevant in the modern world context and can be a great tool to anyone who has the desire to become the best of who they can be.
Empowering Your Life!
STG Team